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Governor’s Committee for Disability Issues & Employment (GCDE)



GCDE members volunteer their time to benefit the community of people with disabilities in Washington state.

The committee has 25 members appointed by the governor. A typical term is 3 years and members may serve up to 6 years total.

Our members are people with a wide variety of disabilities and experiences. We value diversity in race, ethnicity, geographic location, gender identity, age, 2SGLBTQIA identity, economic status, veteran status, and viewpoints.

We intentionally include undervalued people who experience barriers to employment and services. These people include people of color and those who identify as two-spirit, lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, queer or questioning, intersex and asexual (2SLGTBQIA). People with disabilities from these communities have even harsher barriers to access, equity and inclusion.

Up to 10% of GCDE members may be family members of people with disabilities. Or they can be advocates or professionals who work with the disability community.

GCDE is recruiting for a chairperson and new members

Complete two applications to be considered to be a 2025 GCDE chairperson or member:

  1. The GCDE application. Email gcde@esd.wa.gov and state if you would like an application to be chairperson or a member.
  2. The online Boards and Commissions application: governor.wa.gov/boards-commissions/apply-serve.

The due date for both applications is Sept. 13, 2024.

If you need help with the applications or have questions, send an email to gcde@esd.wa.gov or call 360-890-3774.


As a member, you will:

  • Be involved locally and serve as a committee contact to the local community.

  • Help the committee establish relationships with state agencies, local governments, private industry, educational institutions, labor and other organizations -- especially those that serve the disability community -- to promote equal opportunity.

  • Submit a participation log monthly.

  • Serve as a resource and advocate by alerting the committee to issues, opening doors and working on projects as feasible.

  • Attend and participate in general membership meetings.

  • Participate in establishing committee policies and actively work towards their implementation.

  • Serve on subcommittees and actively work to support their activities.

  • Respond to mail polls, surveys etc.

  • Notify GCDE staff if you need to miss meetings or reduce your participation.

As a chairperson, you will:

  • Work with the Employment Security Department, which supports GCDE, to hire and provide feedback to the GCDE executive director. The executive director supervises GCDE staff, who conduct the general business of GCDE.

  • Represent GCDE members to state agencies, the Governor's Office, and the state Legislature, in partnership with the executive director.

  • Represent GCDE at meetings and activities.

  • Plan and run GCDE general membership meetings, coordinating committee meetings, and other meetings, as needed.

  • Appoint GCDE’s vice-chairperson(s) and chairs of subcommittees.

  • Appoint GCDE members to subcommittees in coordination with subcommittee chairs.

  • Appoint workgroup leaders and special project groups as appropriate.

  • Communicate with committee members and associates, citizens, governmental officials, and others, in coordination with GCDE staff.

  • Support and connects with GCDE subcommittee chairs.

  • Assist with planning activities of GCDE.


To be a member or chairperson, you must meet all qualifications:

  • Have a disability, be a family member of someone with a disability or be an advocate/professional working on behalf of a person with a disability.
  • Have experience working to empower people with disabilities to obtain equality of opportunity and maximum independence.
  • Possess expertise, skills, resources or life experience that will contribute to the activities of the committee.
  • Have leadership experience in community-based activities which enhance opportunities for people with disabilities, or have lived experience that brings perspective needed for the GCDE to represent the disability community.

After you apply

Our Membership Subcommittee makes recommendations to the governor based after reviewing applications and conducting interviews. GCDE staff contact references for final candidates.

Applications of final candidates are then submitted to the governor’s Boards & Commissions office for final screening and decisions. Our recommendation to the Boards & Commissions office does not guarantee that the governor will appoint our recommended candidates.

The Boards & Commissions office will communicate with applicants about application status.

Our goal is to have new members appointed by the first part of 2025.

(back to GCDE home)