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Establishment size

Establishment size data provide a count of establishments and their size class based on their number of employees, for each Washington industry and for each county. Every year, we tabulate the number of establishments operating in Washington state and sort them by size. We provide counts by industry sector and subsector for each county. The data are screened to protect confidentiality.

What is the data source?

We use first quarter data from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Enhanced Quarterly Unemployment Insurance file to build the establishment size dataset.

Establishment size by number of employees 2023

Establishment size by number of employees 2022

Establishment size by number of employees 2021

Establishment size by number of employees 2020

Establishment size by number of employees 2019

Establishment size by number of employees 2018

Establishment size by number of employees 2017

Establishment size by number of employees 2016

Establishment size by number of employees 2015

 Additional reports are available for download in the report library.